When it comes to recruiting and not just hiring

A 360° solution for companies that want to recruit professionally.

Recruitment portal with job and personality analyses.

Recruit like a pro

IPA Nordic 360° Recruitment Concept:

A Complete Solution for Effective Recruitment

At a time when the right recruitment is crucial to business success, IPA Nordic offers an innovative 360° recruitment concept that ensures a comprehensive and structured recruitment process. The concept includes a recruitment portal, personality analyses, feedback questions and onboarding, giving companies a unique opportunity to find and retain the best talent.

The recruitment portal makes it easy and efficient to manage the application process, while personality assessments ensure that hiring is not only based on skills, but also on personality match and culture fit. Feedback questions help create a mutual understanding between applicant and company, giving a more nuanced picture of each candidate. Finally, the onboarding part ensures a smooth transition where the new employee quickly integrates and feels welcome.

This holistic approach is important because it reduces the risk of recruitment mistakes, saves time and resources, and ensures that the new employee thrives and contributes to the company’s growth from day one. With IPA Nordic’s 360° recruitment concept, the way is paved for more targeted and successful recruitment.


It’s easy to hire, but hard to recruit.

Personality assessments: More than just a CV

A CV and cover letter can give a good impression of a candidate’s experience and qualifications, but they rarely tell the whole story. For an SME, it’s just as important to understand how a candidate thinks, works and fits into the company culture. This is where personality analyses come in. At IPA Nordic, we use proven methods and innovative tools to assess candidates’ personality traits, giving you a deeper insight into how they will work in your organisation. This ensures that you hire not only the right experience, but also the right person for your team.


Understanding company culture and needs:

IPA Nordic has tools and analyses for a thorough analysis of your job content in a JobMatch analysis that can be completed by the client. It provides answers to the desired job culture and the specific requirements for the vacancy. This initial phase is crucial to ensure we have a clear understanding of what you are looking for in a candidate.

Creating Personality Profiles:

Using our advanced personality analyses and specially developed tools, we create detailed profiles of your candidates. These profiles provide you with insights into their motivational factors, collaborative style, and personality traits.

The modular IPA recruitment platform works for both the self-employed or the team-based headhunter. At the centre is the 360° Cockpit, where all analyses are handled including local norm populations and local language coverage of more than 82% of the world's population.


Matching Candidates to the Role:

With our in-depth understanding of both the candidate and the organisation's needs, we can identify the candidates that best fit both the role and the company culture. This increases the likelihood of a successful hire and minimises the risk of mismatch.

The highest rated analyses

Danish researcher Flemming A. Olsen has received the highest rating for his research. Today, there are local norm populations and local language coverage in more than 82% of the world's population.



Ole Knokgaard,
Human360 (DK, SE, NO, FIN)

Ole Knokgaard

“IPA Nordic has the highest Scandinavian certification and is a company that is very much in continuous development.

Together with the 360° recruitment solution interface, IPA Nordic is clearly the most attractive offer on the market.”

Contact IPA Nordic