IPA WhitePaper

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IPA WhitePapers


Whitepaper IPA Recruitment



It’s easy to hire – it’s hard to recruit
We don’t just offer guidance; we give you a strategic partner in the recruitment journey. This whitepaper goes beyond superficial solutions and dives into essential elements such as setting internal expectations, carefully managing recruitment, conducting in-depth strategic interviews, and integrating new employees into the team and company culture.

Download IPA WhitePaper om Rekruttering

IPA Reality Check


HR RealityCheck is your method for getting a status report on your HR efforts. The result is a picture of the organisation here & now, as well as the desired goals. You can do this yourself, or IPA Nordic can help you stay focused and provide content.

The white paper guides you through 9 HR steps.

Includes a 30-minute video that talks you through the different areas.

Download IPA Reality Check

WhitePaper Intlligent Appraisal

Intlligent Appraisal


No two people are the same – so the appraisal  shouldn’t be either!

Welcome to IPA Nordic’s universe for conducting your organisation’s appraisal interviews. The concept has been developed as a digital support and facilitation of EDD – employee development dialouge.

The EDDis first and foremost a dialogue between manager and employee, and the conversation should therefore be dominated by appreciative questions and a focus on tasks that have been successfully completed. EDD focuses on what works. EDD should also be considered in the context of the company’s strategy and goals, and the managers conducting the EDD interviews should therefore incorporate these strategic goals into the EDD interview.

Download IPA WhitePaper Intelligent Appraisal

HR Dagen 2023


Wellbeing & Stress

We had some great days both in person and online, where we experienced a broad focus on stress and well-being – from the psychological and economic perspectives to sharing ‘hands on’ experiences.

These were days where we learnt together.

On this page you can download the material from the presenters.

IPA Pulse Survey


Gain invaluable insights into employee stress, wellbeing and loyalty
IPA pulse surveys are an innovative and time-saving solution that measures stress, wellbeing and employee loyalty in your organisation. With our user-friendly and advanced platform, you gain invaluable insights into your employees’ wellbeing.

Companies with high engagement deliver 17% more productivity. That’s a plus on both the financial and social bottom line!

Download IPA Pulsmålinger

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