Recruitment with Focus on Personality Analyses

A 360° solution for anyone working with recruitment

IPA Nordic as your strategic partner

Recruitment is a complex process that requires an in-depth understanding of both the needs of the organisation and the skills and personalities of the candidates. At IPA Nordic, we understand the importance of finding the right candidate for the right position. Our specialisation in personality analysis and the development of advanced tools make us an invaluable partner in your recruitment process.

Personality analyses: More than just a CV

A CV and cover letter can tell you a lot about a candidate’s experience and qualifications, but they rarely tell the whole story. Personality assessments provide a more comprehensive picture of how a candidate thinks, works and interacts with others. At IPA Nordic, we use proven methods and innovative tools to assess personality traits, giving you a deeper insight into your potential employees.

The Economic Model


“For the occasional recruiter who wants a professional solution but doesn’t use many analyses.”

To the headhunter


“For the headhunter who wants a professional solution and needs an unlimited number of analyses without compromise.”

For the Professional


“For the professional who recruits at all levels and wants a complete 360° feedback on the candidate.

IPA jobmatch culture analysis

Understanding Company Culture and Needs

IPA Nordic has tools and analyses for a thorough analysis of your job content in a JobMatch analysis that can be completed by the client. It provides answers to the desired job culture and the specific requirements of the vacancy. This initial phase is crucial to ensure we have a clear understanding of what you are looking for in a candidate.

Creating Personality Profiles:

Using our advanced personality analyses and specially developed tools, we create detailed profiles of your candidates. These profiles provide you with insights into their motivational factors, collaborative style, and personality traits.

The modular IPA recruitment platform works for both the self-employed or the team-based headhunter. At the centre is the 360° Cockpit, where all analyses are handled including local norm populations and local language coverage of more than 82% of the world's population.

Forskning i personlighedsanalyser præsenteret i IPA 360° Cockpit

Matching Candidates to the Role:

With our in-depth understanding of both the candidate and the organisation's needs, we can identify the candidates that best fit both the role and the company culture. This increases the likelihood of a successful hire and minimises the risk of mismatch.

The best rated

The IPA Nordic researcher has researched successful leadership for over 30 years and is the author of the highest rated personality analysis by Nordic personality analysis providers.
Today, there are local norm populations and local language coverage for more than 82% of the world's population.

Cand. Phil. Flemming Anders Olsen has been developing analyses for people in working life for more than 30 years. In his many years in the field, he has approached people's perception of themselves in working life from several angles. He has worked with the classical trait theory's description of people as a structure of personality traits. He has worked with Belbin's and Adize's theories and models on the concept of roles and leadership style. And he has worked with a unique concept of the individual's personal values based on Ken Wilber's and Robert Kegan's developmental psychological thoughts on the individual's maturity journey through life. Over the years, Flemming Olsen has also conducted the research that forms the basis for IPA Nordic ApS's analyses, and he has extensive experience in the field, which ensures the quality of the analyses offered by IPA Nordic. In a previous collaboration with a Nordic consultancy, he was the author behind the certification of a personality analysis that achieved the best rating among Nordic providers of analyses. The assessment was carried out by STP, Stiftelsen för tillämpad Psykologi, and the submitted analysis was evaluated in a formal certification process by researchers from several universities in Sweden. Flemming Olsen has subsequently carried out several research projects for companies in Scandinavia in collaboration with a Nordic consultancy. The research that forms the basis of IPA Nordic ApS' analysis tools is based on Flemming Anders Olsen's outstanding work and experience, and recognised as a leader in Denmark by IPA Nordic's customers.

The certification mentioned in the video relates to a previous collaboration with a Nordic consultancy where Flemming Olsen, as author, was responsible for the certification of a personality analysis that achieved the best rating among Nordic analysis providers.



Ole Knokgaard,
Human360 (DK, SE, NO, FIN)

Ole Knokgaard

“IPA Nordic is a highly rateded Scandinavian developer of personality analyis and is a company that is very much in continuous development.

Together with the 360° recruitment solution interface, IPA Nordic is clearly the most attractive offer on the market.”

Contact IPA Nordic