360° HR suite with people at the center

Recruitment, well-being, retention & development,

HR system with focus on master data

€ 2

Pr. employee / month

When should you invest in systemising your HR processes?


A great HR system starts with strong employer branding. It’s how your future talent meets your company for the first time. When your employees thrive, they are ambassadors for your company’s brand.

IPA Nordic’s HR Suite is module-based, which gives you the advantage of being able to use the part that makes sense for your business and possibly integrate the IPA module with your existing HR solution.

Our customers range from 8 employees to over 1,000 employees, so the answer to when to invest in HR is now.

Lasts less than 12 months

25% of new hires don’t stay in their job for 12 months and it costs 75-150% of an annual salary to make a recruitment mistake.

Negativ about appraisal

53% of Danes do not feel that the appraisal performance interview develops them professionally, 41% see appraisal performance as worthless

Bad termination

44% of terminated employees feel that their termination was not handled properly.

Something else needs to be offered

When public sector employers can’t deliver what employees want most – the pay they feel they deserve – other options must be found. This is where IPA Nordic’s deliverables on an Organization in Balance can be a refreshing solution, based on the premise that to treat everyone the same, we need to treat everyone differently.

The modular approach in the Danish and research-based products means that each manager or department can start with the focus area that matches their current needs.

Stress & Well-being

Public sector employees are more stressed and have more sick days than private sector employees. This is unacceptable.

With IPA pulse surveys, you can continuously measure stress and well-being in your department. This typically happens once a month and is measured with the most recognized stress and well-being measurements available. Everything is anonymous, so individual responses cannot be traced back to the individual employee.

The colleague who is experiencing a stress reaction is often the last to notice. Therefore, the IPA robot will automatically and anonymously send an email to the potential stressed employee with a message that the employee should be aware and, if applicable, the department’s stress policy.

Reducing stress in the department is good for both the financial and social bottom line.

Reducing stress in the department is good for both the financial and social bottom line.

Individual & Team development

To treat everyone the same, we need to treat everyone differently.

Individual – Intelligent appraisal
The Intelligent SDD from IPA takes the individual employee’s personality as a starting point, identifies their unique individual strengths and talents, and sets up a framework for the manager to ask questions.

Team – Intelligent team appraisal
Different generations in the workforce react differently and have different needs. Younger generations are more likely than older generations to want to work and develop as a team. The Team Appraisal Interview (TAI) helps with this.



Torben Lynge Overgaard

Frederiksen Scientific A/S

Steen Wæver Poulsen - CEO IPA Nordic

“IPA Nordic is perfect for companies without large HR departments. It means a lot that our employees have the feeling that we have a competent and up-to-date HR department with the tools to support our managers in their work.”

Contact IPA Nordic