IPA Loyalty Index

– If you want to work with employee loyalty, the first step is to identify how loyal your employees are today.

Take care of your employees
– or the grass is always greener somewhere else

Loyal employees are 18% more efficient and have less absenteeism

Employees and their loyalty can be divided into 3 areas

– Get a handle on your organizational structure

To be an attractive workplace, it is not only important to have many ambassadors. It is just as important not to have too many opponents on your team. The survey quickly highlights this and shows a real picture of loyalty in your workplace.


Employees who will actively recommend the organisation to others.


Employees who are neither favourably nor unfavourably disposed towards the company.


Employees who would not recommend the company and may advise against it.

IPA Loyalty Index

How loyal are your employees?

An IPA employee loyalty survey – also known as an eNPS survey – quickly and effectively shows how loyal employees are to the organization.

It provides clear answers on the extent to which your employees would recommend the organization as a good place to work to others looking for a new job. The IPA employee loyalty survey (eNPS) is an internationally recognized methodology where employees are asked a simple, anonymous question.

Respondents are then divided into 3 categories – what we call three different loyalty groups: Ambassadors, Passives and Detractors.

The advantage of the method is that you only need to ask employees one question. This way, you don’t disrupt the organization unnecessarily and can ask 2-4 times a year.

Provides support to HR, Managers and employees

Employee loyalty pays off

A loyal employee who has been with your organization for many years is productive. They know their job and go the extra mile for customers and the company as a matter of course. You can also expect fewer mistakes from a loyal employee, and they’re typically a culture bearer who carries the company’s values into the organization.

How loyal are your employees today?

Do you really know? You can measure it with IPA’s pulse measurements. It’s a KPI number that should be in line with the other strategic and financial KPIs. It therefore has great business value and the right score makes a difference to the business.

Loyal employees make for loyal customers

Younger generations in particular have completely different demands and expectations of their workplace – and employee loyalty requires a targeted effort. In a post-corona world, the struggle for skilled workers in many industries is becoming a fight for survival.

IPA Stress Index

Immediate results

Monitor progress

Management can monitor developments and individual departments can monitor loyalty trends. Is there a risk of layoffs?

Have an active loyalty preparedness

Finally, a lot has happened to our working lives in recent years. Project hiring has become more common, and decades in the same workplace no longer sends the unambiguously positive signal it once did.

What is a good IPA Loyalty Score?

An excellent eNPS score is between 50-100. An eNPS score of 0-50 is considered good, while a score of -100-0 is bad.

IPA Stress Index

IPA HR InSights is a loyalty dashboard

The organisation gets an overview of how loyalty thrives and develops. Loyalty, Stress and Well-being thus becomes a key figure like other strategic and financial KPIs.

Take care of your employees
– or the grass is always greener somewhere else

Both Covid-19 and trends like The Great Resignation, leaving without having another job lined up, and Quiet Quitting, are all about delivering only the bare minimum required by your contract.

This lack of commitment can be fatal for the company, the team spirit and indeed the employee’s job satisfaction. We have seen numerous examples of people changing their lives and quitting their jobs.

More and more people are suffering from stress with quite serious consequences, and in general, there is a strong focus on work-life balance. Fortunately, Denmark is already ahead in this area, but burning out in a job that gives nothing in return but a pay cheque is probably becoming a thing of the past. More is needed.

Another part of the explanation for the high number of resignations is that your employees are constantly seeing job offers on their social media, and headhunters have become much more eager than we’ve seen before.

Employees are exposed to green grass everywhere, and if they’re not loyal, they’ll understandably be tempted.

Especially if your lawn looks wilted.

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