IPA Early Warning

– Detect stress early and improve both the financial and social bottom line

A stressed employee can cost up to 150.000 €

A stressed manager can cost up to 500.000€

IPA Early Warning: Your Proactive Partner in Employee Wellbeing

IPA Early Stress Warning

At a time when employee wellbeing has become a key factor in business success, we introduce IPA Early Warning – a revolutionary solution designed to detect and manage stress in its early stages.

IPA Early Warning is more than just a tool; it’s a partner in creating a healthy and productive work environment. By combining technology with care, it ensures employees get the support they need when they need it most. It’s an investment in people, productivity and the future of your organisation.

What is IPA Early Warning?

IPA Early Warning is an innovative concept that combines advanced technology with human care. Using wearable devices and software, data on heart rate, sleep quality and physical activities are collected and analysed. This allows organisations to identify early signs of stress and unhappiness among their employees.

How does it work?

When an employee is detected as being at risk of stress or unhappiness in two subsequent heart rate measurements, IPA Early Warning is activated. A standardised message, which can be customised by the company, is sent to the employee. This message acts as a supportive handshake, informing the employee of the company’s stress policy and the services they can take advantage of. It empowers the employee and shows that the organisation takes their wellbeing seriously.

Why is it important?

Stress is a natural reaction, but prolonged stress can have serious consequences for both mental and physical health. Untreated stress can lead to anxiety, depression, heart disease and many other health problems. With IPA Early Warning, organisations can prevent these issues by taking action early.

What value does it bring you?

IPA Early Warning represents an investment in employee wellbeing and the overall health of the organisation. By ensuring that no employee feels overlooked or alone with their challenges, organisations can maintain a productive and healthy work environment. This can also help to reduce the cost of stress-related healthcare expenses, resulting in a more efficient and sustainable business.

Early Warning helps the 2 bottom lines

The financial bottom line is the easy one to calculate. Two lines can be drawn under it. The social bottom line leaves scars and the result is not here and now, but can affect years to come.


  • A stress sick leave costs between 200,000 – 700,000
  • The number of stress sufferers in work has doubled in 10 years
  • Stress is responsible for 1,000,000 days of absence annually, 30,000 hospitalisations, 3,000 early retirements and 500,000 visits to general practice each year


Physical symptoms

  • Inner turmoil
  • Headaches
  • Heart palpitations
  • Abdominal pain
  • Reduced potency
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Frequent infections
  • Exacerbation of chronic disease


Mental health symptoms

  • Lack of desire
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty remembering
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Reduced sense of humour
  • Depression


Behavioural symptoms

  • Insomnia
  • Disengagement
  • Hyperventilation
  • Aggressiveness
  • Reduced performance
  • Indecisiveness
  • Increased use of stimulants
  • Increased sickness absence

IPA Stress index

Do employees thrive in your organization?

IPA Early Warning is an innovative concept that helps detect stress in time and reduce the negative consequences of long-term stress on an individual’s mental and physical health. By identifying stress levels early, preventive measures can be taken and ensure a better quality of life for the individual.

Stress is a natural reaction that the body uses to cope with challenging situations. However, it can become problematic when stress levels become too high and prolonged. Untreated stress can lead to a range of physical and mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, heart disease and abnormal weight gain. Therefore, it is critically important to detect stress in time and implement necessary changes to avoid these consequences.

IPA Early Warning provides a unique opportunity to monitor and analyze an individual’s stress level by using advanced technology and algorithms. Using wearable devices and software, data on heart rate, sleep quality and physical activities can be collected and analyzed. This data can then be used to identify early warning signs of stress and trigger an alarm that allows the problem to be acted upon in time.

The causes of stress can vary from person to person and from situation to situation. IPA Early Warning enables users to identify patterns and triggers that cause their stress levels to rise. By having this knowledge, the individual can take proactive steps to prevent stress or reduce its impact on their health.

One of the positive aspects of IPA Early Warning is that it is easy to use and is accessible to everyone regardless of age and profession. It doesn’t require expensive visits to specialists or advanced equipment. IPA Early Warning is a convenient and cost-effective solution to monitor your stress levels and take steps to address them in time.

By detecting stress in time, a person can take measures to reduce and manage stress levels. This can include changes in lifestyle and habits, such as exercising regularly, improving sleep quality, adopting mindfulness and stress reduction techniques and establishing a good social network. When you have access to early warning signs, you can take action and reduce the risk of serious consequences of long-term stress.

Furthermore, IPA Early Warning can help reduce the cost of stress-related healthcare expenses. By preventing or reducing severe stress in individuals, society as a whole can save money on healthcare and treatment of stress-related conditions. This can result in a more efficient and sustainable healthcare sector.

In summary, IPA Early Warning makes it possible to detect stress in time and take proactive steps to mitigate its consequences. Through continuous monitoring and analysis of individual stress levels, a person can improve their quality of life, prevent serious health problems and reduce the costs of stress-related illness. It is a valuable tool for promoting mental wellbeing and creating healthier communities.

5 points on the IPA Stress Index


It takes a few minutes for each employee to complete.


Based on 10 evidence-based questions related to the workplace.


We measure on an ongoing basis – typically 2-4 times a quarter. Real picture stress, opportunity for reaction.


Responses are anonymous and above 5 responses, reporting opens up.


Automatic emails can be sent with company offers for help.

Provides support for HR, managers and employees

Counseling for stress sufferers

All responses are anonymous. There is a built-in monitoring tool that can automatically send a message to the employee’s private email. Here, the company can tell them about the options the company provides or whether the company subscribes to a stress coach.

IPA Pulse Survey Dashboard

The manager and HR get an overview of how the organization/department is thriving and where there is a risk of stress. In this way, IPA Pulse survey become a key figure like other strategic and financial KPIs.

IPA Stress Index

Immediate results

Monitor progress

Management can monitor development, and individual employees can monitor their own development and get help and feedback, both internally and externally, when needed.

Have an active stress preparedness

Often the individual employee doesn’t know that something is wrong. After 2 negative measurements, the employee can receive an anonymous email about what the company has to offer for employees, as well as good advice and recommendations.

Openness makes for good employer branding

Taking stress seriously is something both existing and new employees appreciate. It creates an open and action-oriented culture.

IPA Stress Index

IPA HR InSights is a Stress Dashboard

The organization gets an overview of how the department is thriving and where there is a risk of stress. Stress and Wellbeing becomes a key performance indicator like other strategic and financial KPIs.

What is stress?

Stress is a state of physical or mental tension that occurs in response to strain, challenges or threats in our environment.

It can be a natural reaction to a busy period or a pressurized work situation, but if stress levels remain high for a long period of time, it can have negative consequences for our health and wellbeing.

Stress can manifest itself in different forms such as irritability, sleep problems, difficulty concentrating, heart palpitations and emotional instability.

Stress in Denmark

The proportion of adult Danes with a high score on the stress scale has increased from 21% in 2013 to 25% in 2017 and 29% in 2021.

Almost every fourth sick leave is due to a poor psychological work environment. This corresponds to 35,000 Danes who are on sick leave every day due to psychosocial factors

Stress is responsible for one million days of absence per year, 30,000 hospitalizations, 3,000 early retirements and 500,000 visits to general practice every year

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