Intelligent Appraisal from IPA Nordic

No two people are the same. That’s why the performance review shouldn’t be either

– Intelligent SDD from IPA Nordic

Run appraisal whenever you want
1, 2, 3, 4 times a year

Create a unique conversation for unique employees





Strengths & Talent


Intelligent Appraisel

No two people are the same – therefore the performance appraisal conversation shouldn’t be either!

Welcome to IPA Nordic’s universe for conducting company performance reviews. The concept has been developed as a digital support and facilitation of performance reviews.

The performance appraisal is first and foremost a dialog between manager and employee, and the conversation should therefore be dominated by appreciative questions and a focus on tasks that have been successfully solved. The performance appraisal focuses on what works. The performance appraisal should also be considered in the context of the company’s strategy and goals, and the managers conducting The performance appraisal interviews should therefore incorporate these strategic goals into the The performance appraisal interview.

The performance appraisal conversation should be big data

The performance appraisal interview should be followed up with an evaluation of the impact of the conversations and agreements for the entire company.

Finally, the performance appraisal interviews provide important data regarding e.g. employee satisfaction and other “Big Data” that should be used as a basis for analysis and actions of strategic importance to the company. All of this is built into the performance appraisal concept developed by IPA Nordic.

The 6 modules in IPA’s Intelligent Appraisal performance:

Module 1 – Strengths & Talents

Based on the completed IPA Core analysis, the system suggests a number of topics and formulates a series of questions the manager can use to focus on the development of the employee’s Strengths and Talents.

Module 2 – Employee satisfaction analysis

The employee answers a series of questions related to job satisfaction.

Module 3 – Coping

The employee answers a series of questions related to coping with the job.

Module 4 – Autonomy

The employee answers a series of questions related to autonomy in the job.

Module 5 – Belonging

The employee answers a series of questions related to belonging in the job.

Module 6 – Meaning

The employee answers a series of questions related to the meaning of the job.

Examples of IPA Intelligent Appraisals

The example is from Strengths & Talents, where the system finds the talents and strengths that are unique to the employee based on the employee’s IPA Core score. To assist the manager, a common understanding and then a series of dialogue prompts are provided.

Content – Intelligent Appraisals

Belonging: Collaboration, Colleagues, Well-being, and Motivation

When does collaboration work best?

This topic area is about your basic experience of collaboration in the department. Both between colleagues and between me as a manager, you personally.

We will also talk about your personal experience of well-being, both for yourself and for the department in general. Do you feel seen, heard and appreciated, and do you feel that you are given the opportunity to contribute with everything you can when you collaborate with others?

When does collaboration work best, and is there anything or anyone blocking positive and rewarding collaboration in the department? How do you feel you contribute to the collaboration and what are the most rewarding team and collaboration situations you have experienced over the past year.

Finally, this topic area also includes a discussion about the extent to which you feel informed about the broader issues in the department and the company, and whether you feel sufficiently informed about the department’s and company’s strategy.

Meaning: Potential, Personal Development and Learning

Your development potential

This topic area is about your perception of the opportunities you have for personal development and, more generally, the fundamental meaning you find in your job.

– When is it most fun to go to work?
– What are you passionate about in relation to your interests and who you are?
– What are the most creative and educational challenges you’ve faced over the past year?

We’ll also talk about your perception of your own development potential and how we can support you in this context.

This is about your perception of the opportunities you have for personal and competence development and your general perception of your development opportunities in the company.

Autonomy: Goals, Strengths, Achievements and Challenges

We will talk about your strengths

This topic area is about personal goals and achievements, your ambitions and the extent to which you feel appropriately challenged in your job, including in relation to your experience, skills and achievements. It’s also about the influence you want to have on your own work situation and task performance, and the responsibility you want to take for what you do.

We will talk about your strengths and the extent to which you feel backed up and supported by colleagues and me as a manager in relation to your opportunities to achieve your personal goals.

We’ll also talk about how I as a manager can support and motivate you to get where you want to be, what new challenges you want in the future, and generally what you can do and what your colleagues and I can do to help you reach your personal goals.

Mastery: Knowledge, Professionalism, Tasks and Workflows

Knowledge and your professionalism

This topic area is about the employee’s perception of their tasks and the workflows and processes that surround their daily work in the company. Is the employee satisfied with the tasks they are currently performing or would they like to change anything in this regard?

It is also about the employee’s perception of his or her knowledge and the professional foundation on which he or she stands, and his or her sense of mastery in relation to the tasks to be solved. Does the employee feel adequately prepared for both current and future professional challenges in the job? Here there will be room to talk about his or her wishes for professional development and education/courses etc.

“The culture at Sympa is very relational. We invest ourselves in our work and in each other. At Sympa, relationships are a crucial motivating factor for the individual. We work in groups and teams where we complement each other. Working with Strategic HR has definitely given us a better understanding of each other.”

Annette Thomsen, Sympa HR

A unique conversation – everytime

The Intelligent Appraisal Performance interview increases employee development and maintains job satisfaction and holistic understanding.

Employees feel seen and heard, and employee turnover decreases.

Significantly increased employee satisfaction.

Preparation time

Preparation time for the employee:

– Answer two questionnaires, 40 – 60 min total

Preparation time for the manager:

– Answering one questionnaire 20-30 minutes

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