Team Appraisal Interview (TAI)

The Team Development Interview (TAI) is a conversation between a manager and a group of employees where the group’s overall competence development is discussed

Is everyone following the same vision?
How good are you at collaboration?

Is there room in me for the team?
Is there room in me for the team?

Most outstanding achievements in both business and sport are built on the ability of people to complement each other. We tend to focus on the unique individual performance because it’s easier to identify with the person who scores the decisive goal, but in the vast majority of cases, victory is a product of the collective spirit and ability to staff each position with the most suitable people.

A team is a group of people where the whole is stronger than the sum of its parts and where that spirit – that sense of shared strength – creates the tremendous energy, will and insight that leads to victory. That’s TAI – or Team Appraisal Interview.

Simple service

User-friendly, with automated and future-proof processes that handles the heavy administrative tasks for you.

Ongoing Feedback

Continuous feedback and data collection that enables managers to act on facts rather than assumptions.

Talent Development

Tools to develop and manage your employees so they can best realise their full potential.

To have a vision

Being bound together by a strong sense of community and shared vision, the team is the primary forum for development and change in the company, team meetings are where the overall direction of the company is decided, team members have a strong loyalty to each other, the shared sense that the company has a unique culture and values.

The team’s ability to generate ideas

The team is the main platform for the development of ideas and coincidences, decisions on strategic and long-term changes are made in the team, the courage to take fights and conflicts, to take the initiatives to innovate in the company, to get ideas and inspiration to solve problems within the company.

The team’s ability to develop and support each other

To have a high degree of openness towards each other, to respect each other’s views even if we disagree, to be excellent at managing and resolving conflicts, to listen to each other, to take shared responsibility for helping and supporting each other.

The team’s ability to act and execute

What is agreed is also implemented, as the issues under discussion are dealt with effectively to follow up on the decisions made in the team, to hold each other to the agreements decided in the meetings, to know exactly what has been agreed and what needs to be done.

The team’s ability to manage and plan

The topics discussed are well-defined, concrete and precise, the organization and planning is effective, the ability to manage the actions to be taken reaches clear and precise conclusions, the ability to allocate tasks effectively.

The Teams Foundation

In a team, the meeting between the “we” and the “I” is the key. This is often a difficult meeting where conflicts, lack of loyalty, envy, etc. arise. Therefore, there are a number of basic prerequisites that must be met before we can even talk about creating a team.

We call these prerequisites THE TEAMS FOUNDATION and are a key area in the IPA TAI / Team Appraisal Interview.

I Acknowledgement

Individuals feel that there is room for them in the team, individuals in the team know themselves and their respective strengths and weaknesses, individuals are respected for who they are and what they can do, individuals feel valued and welcome in the team, and individuals’ opinions are respected.

  • I recognize that people are different
  • I know myself and my strengths and weaknesses
  • I know the strengths and weaknesses of others
  • I respect others for what they can do
  • I accept my role and function in the whole
  • I will constantly improve my skills in relation to my part of the task
  • I accept that conflicts are a natural part of getting better
  • I share responsibility for the relationships in the group

We Acknowledgement

The shared recognition of our interdependence, the strength of shared values, the shared responsibility for the business, the shared understanding of the fundamental success criteria and the shared realization that together we are stronger.

  • We recognize that we are mutually dependent on each other
  • We recognize that together we are strongest and most effective
  • We have a shared vision and a common goal
  • We have shared values and rules of the game
  • We have clear responsibilities and competencies in relation to our goals
  • We have a common understanding of our success criteria
  • We know our opponents and are aware of the obstacles we face

Example of HR and Manager Tools

Example of a dialog presentation based on the Intelligent Appraisal Performance Interview around strengths and talents.

Based on the employee’s individual personal profile, individual strengths and talents are identified and a series of questions emerge that can enrich and develop the dialog.

Data-driven HR with the employee at the center.

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