Henrik B Sørensen joins IPA Nordic as an associate partner. Henrik will be responsible for the IPA Academy. Henrik is building an organization for Certification, HR training in HR Heroes, and HR lectures.

Professor and PhD Henrik B Sørensen joins IPA Nordic, a research company developing the HR platform, recruitment and employee development models of the future.

IPA Nordic has for over 30 years researched the successful leader and the research has received the highest rating among Nordic providers of personality analysis.

Henrik B. Sørensen is a former lecturer in organisation theory at the Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University and holds a PhD and MSc from the Aarhus School of Economics.

Henriks B. Sørensen explains:

”Throughout my career, I have worked with change management, HR, innovation, corporate internal organisation, culture, personality analysis, leadership, organisational development towards organisations of the future, corporate strategy, business development trends such as digitalisation of companies and megatrends, as well as the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

“At IPA Nordic, I can contribute with both a theoretical as well as a practical perspective. I have always worked very much from the idea that practice and theory work particularly well when both are worked on at the same time and where the two challenge each other. I also believe that people are the cornerstone of any business and that it is therefore important to take them on a journey that reflects the company’s development. I work to play people well.”

Henrik B Sørensen is an associate partner at IPA Nordic

Henriks B. Sørensen (PhD) is a new associate partner in IPA Nordic

Steen Wæver Poulsen says:

At IPA Nordic, the integral idea is the driving model. I can very much relate to that, and my own humble opinion is that IPA Nordic with the IPA-HR Platform

Steen Wæver Poulsen, CEO of IPA Nordic states:

“I have known Henrik since he taught at my first of a total of 3 MBAs from the Business Institute in Aalborg. Henrik has practical experience from his own consulting business and working with several municipal business councils and private companies. Henrik knows processes in both the SME segment and in somewhat larger companies. It is a heavy capacity we have got on board IPA Nordic. We are very happy and proud of that.”

“Henrik’s primary task is to spar with us around the IPA HR platform and ensure that it helps keep the international direction the board has issued.

Steen Wæver Poulsen is CEO of IPA Nordic

Steen Wæver Poulsen, CEO of IPA Nordic

In collaboration with HR-Dagen

Henrik B. Sørensen is managing the HR Education – HR Heroes

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