IPA is the consultant’s turbo solution

Both for individual consulting and more complex organizational consulting.

Individual, Team, Organisational Development

The business consultant’s many tasks – requires confidentiality

As a business consultant, you will be booked to help a company with a task. It’s important that business consultants are analytical and structured, and have a range of methods and tools that can be used to map and analyze the customer’s needs.

As a process consultant, IPA Nordic has developed a toolbox tailored to quickly uncover the human conditions and, through Organizational Due Diligence, to prepare a status report of the organization at both strategic, tactical and organic levels.

Changes owner

23.000 owner-managed businesses are expected to change owners or ownership over the next ten years.

Are owner-managed

80% of all Danish companies are owner-managed today.

years is the age

30% of owner-managers with employees are over 55 years old.

Team Development

Team development is about managing human processes for the whole and being good at something for the individual.

A team is dependent on both the individual’s talent for solving a specific task and the ability to combine talent in a way that most effectively achieves the set goals. In every team, there are four basic functions that together form the human map we need to orient ourselves by.

An organization in balance

Organizational Due Diligence is IPA analysis and 15 years of targeted research that diagnoses the company and the internal areas that impact business performance.

It takes talent, and the ability to attract talent. How to identify barriers and obstacles and how can the company’s organization tackle them. Perhaps even before they become a threat.

Individuel & Team development

HR Reality Check is your method for getting a status report on your HR performance. As a consultant, you come to the organization and ask a series of questions to the HR manager and management.

The result is an X-ray image of the organization here & now, as well as the desired goals. You can do this yourself, or IPA Nordic can help you stay focused and provide advice and sparring.



Mikael Have,

Business Buddy

Steen Wæver Poulsen - Direktør IPA Nordic

“The IPA Personality Assessments are the highest rated Scandinavian developed personality assessments. “IPA is perfect for all Business Buddys in Denmark. It provides great value for business consultants and for customers”

“HappyFire Talent Solutions helps companies and organizations establish and develop talent development environments that increase employee well-being and job satisfaction. “IPA Nordic is the most important partner for us. The personality, team and organizational analyses are international top class”

Steen Wæver Poulsen - Direktør IPA Nordic

Tom Johansen,
Business consultant

HappyFire Talent Devlopment

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