
What our customers say

The IPA Core Personality Analyses are used for both recruitment and talent development.

May Damgaard - HR Manager, Svea Work

I highly recommend the IPA Core 360° Personality Analyses.

I have always endeavoured to recruit the right person for the right job, but it wasn’t until I started using the IPA Core 360° Personality Assessments that I really felt I had found the perfect solution. By using this analysis tool, I have been able to deepen my understanding of my potential employees’ personality and work style.

By integrating IPA Core 360° into our recruitment process, we have seen great results. We have been able to match candidates with the specific qualities and skills required for each position, which has resulted in our teams becoming more efficient and productive.

Andrea Schwegman - Svea Work AB, Svea Work

IPA supports HR departments, Coaches, Consultants and Headhunters

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IPA nummer 7

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