IPA leadership style and leadership role analysis

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Leadership style & leadership role analysis

A team role and style analysis

In a world of constant change and increasing complexity, effective leadership is essential for organisational success. IPA Nordic, the leading Nordic research house for personality analysis, has repeatedly emphasised the importance of a leader’s leadership style. But what is the difference between a leader’s role and style, and why is style so important?

About Leadership style and leadership role

The leadership role is developed on the basis of a more instrumental assessment of the functions in the team (and in the organisation) that should be performed for the team to perform optimally. Thus, the leadership role in relation to the individual leader is somewhat external, yet very present, as reality unfolds in such a way that it is obvious that someone must take care of certain tasks for the whole to function satisfactorily. A leader’s favourite roles are primarily based on the learning and experience they have acquired throughout their working life.

Leadership style, on the other hand, is directly linked to the individual leader and their individual and personal preferences, and their personal style is therefore unique to them. A leader’s style is fundamentally directly linked to their personality, i.e. their behaviour and motives. We capture this in our analysis of leadership styles.

When operationalising our theoretical model, we distinguish between the functional approach, which defines the more concrete roles, and the personality approach, which defines the more concrete personal preferences and styles.


Role vs. Style: A definition

Role: A leader’s role refers to the formal responsibilities and tasks assigned to a leader within an organisation. This includes setting goals, making strategic decisions, allocating resources and monitoring performance. The role is often defined by the structure of the organisation and the expectations of the position.

Style: Leadership style, on the other hand, refers to the way a leader fulfils their role. It includes the leader’s behaviour, communication methods, decision-making processes and how the leader interacts with employees. Style is personal and can vary significantly from leader to leader, even within the same organisational setting.

The importance of Leadership Style

  1. Employee engagement and motivation: A leader who adopts an inclusive and supportive leadership style can increase employee engagement and motivation. When employees feel valued and heard, they are more likely to perform at their best and remain loyal to the organisation.
  2. Productivity and Efficiency: Effective leadership style can directly impact productivity. A leader who is adept at clearly communicating expectations and supporting employees in their work can ensure projects are completed efficiently and on time.
  3. Innovation and Creativity: A leader who fosters an open and experimental culture can inspire employees to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions. This is especially important in dynamic industries where adaptability and innovation are key to survival and growth.
  4. Organisational Culture: The leader’s style has a deep impact on the overall organisational culture. A leader who practices and promotes values such as integrity, respect and collaboration can create a positive work culture that attracts and retains talented employees.
  5. Managing Change: In times of change, leadership style is critical. A leader who can communicate the vision clearly and build trust among employees can ease transition periods and reduce uncertainty and resistance to change.


A leader’s management style is more than just a personal preference; it is a determining factor for organisational success. While role defines what a leader should do, style defines how it should be done. A conscious and effective leadership style can create a positive work culture, increase employee engagement, promote innovation and ensure the organisation can navigate through challenges and change successfully.

IPA Nordic’s research highlights that investing in leadership development not only benefits the leaders themselves, but also the entire organisation. By understanding and improving their leadership style, leaders can not only fulfil their formal roles, but also inspire and motivate their teams to reach new heights.

The 4 leadership roles


The Coordinator


To manage, coordinate and evaluate

Systematises, creates order and overview, maintains, calculates, complies with rules and standards


The Organizer


To organise, execute and complete

Ensure effective governance and direction, assess goals and means, prioritise, optimise and distribute roles and tasks


The Motivator


To motivate, facilitate and create meaning

Build teams, facilitate collaboration and relationships, manage conflict, negotiate compromise and bring the team together


Change Maker


To perspective, change and adapt

Gathering input and ideas, summarising, contextualising in relation to business challenges and strategic goals

The 4 leadership styles


The Specialist

Gather knowledge, analyse, find errors, correct

Professional and technical guarantor that things are in order, develops specific knowledge, documents, objective, patient and persistent


The Driver

Drives, completes, finishes and fulfils goals

Delivers results, performs, cuts through, energetic enthusiast with high and visible activity levels, impatient and restless


The Mentor

Support, counselling, encouragement and bonding

Interlocutor, catalyst, takes personal responsibility for the relationships in the team, open, positive and inclusive


The Idea Creator

Creating ideas, experimenting, exploring possibilities

Enthusiastic exponent of creativity and change, original, curious and challenging, free of habits and traditions

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