Times are changing and people’s experience of the world – and themselves in the world
Behaviour, motives and preferences
– also in the young generation
Introduction to IPA Core Meta Factors
Times are changing
Times are changing, and people’s perception of the world – and themselves in the world – has changed significantly over the last 20 years.
In relation to working life, we must first and foremost deal with the increased individualisation and its impact on people’s more concrete behaviour.
The strongest engine and driving force of the zeitgeist is the individual’s endeavour to create their own narrative as a basis for consciously building a personal identity and self-understanding.
Individuals today are more conscious of their behaviour and being than they were just a generation ago.
This changes the way we need to gather knowledge about people in working life in relation to all the tasks we solve in both Recruitment & HR.
Flemming Olsen talks about IPA Meta Factors
The background for this change
IPA Nordic’s basic assumption is that at each Main Factor in the IPA Analysis, our underlying personal values and motives support and reinforce the personal qualities and individualised work qualities we develop as people.
Our highest and most important values contain the deepest vitality and energy in our lives, and it is obvious that there is a connection between the way we think of ourselves in the world based on our personal values and our more concrete behaviour. Our values determine the highway of our working life.
Thus, the idea is that the four meta-factors underpin and “embrace” and qualify the more concrete behavioural traits in the IPA Analysis on each Main Factor.
The challenge
Our motives, and even more so our personal values, lie deeper and often unconsciously hidden in our personality. This means that it is more difficult to define and especially operationalise the factors we choose to work with in the IPA Core Meta Analysis.
The journey from motives and especially values to the “surface” in the form of behaviour that can be operationalised and measured is simply much longer and more influenced by both internal and external factors in relation to the individual.
Welcome to the understanding of META.
IPA Core – Meta Factor # 1
The personalised exterior-controlled
Colour: Blue
The basic motive is the desire to do one’s duty and perform to the best of one’s ability.
The energy comes from the desire to fulfil the expectations of those around you.
Having a basic sense of anxiety and worry. Feeling like you’re always behind and not achieving what you should. Trusting yourself too little and spending a relatively large amount of energy avoiding criticism from those around you
Worrying about small things and sometimes fearing the worst. Focusing too much on the negative and reacting inappropriately with anger and irritation. Having trouble getting started and needing a push from others.
Following your conscience and acting out of a sense of duty. Working in a disciplined and goal-orientated way and giving more than is expected. Always turning up well-prepared and finishing what you’ve started. Living up to the demands you make on yourself and constantly trying to make things better.
Accomplishing what you set out to do and resisting temptations and distractions along the way.
Typical behaviour
- Having a basic sense of anxiety and worry.
- Feeling like you’re constantly behind and not achieving what you should.
- Not trusting yourself enough and spending a relatively high amount of energy avoiding criticism from those around you
- Worrying about small things and sometimes fearing the worst.
- Focusing too much on the negative and getting caught up in your own problems.
- Finding it hard to get going and needing a push from others.
Typical behaviour
- Often act out of a sense of duty
- Doing more than is expected of me
- Keep going until what I’m doing is right
- Always finish what I have started
- Take pride in always being well prepared
- Have always had a high degree of self-discipline
- Do what I have to do without complaining
- Accept the framework that surrounds me
IPA Core – Meta Factor # 2
The personalised inner-directed
Colour: Red
The basic motive is the desire to live up to your own ideals and standards. To develop your awareness and competences as a prerequisite for achieving everything you can and want in life.
Following your own interests and being good at recognising and using a situation to your advantage. Being wary of others, knowing that not everyone can be trusted. Never exposing yourself and showing weakness. Seeing life as everyone’s battle against everyone else, a place where you trade something for something and where pretty much everything is for sale. Believing that the end justifies the means and doing what you want, no matter the cost. Following your own rules to get what you want.
Having personal standards and ideals as a driving force and point of reference for work life. Feeling a strong sense of responsibility towards other people in all contexts. Recognising and respecting others as a prerequisite for achieving your own goals. Understanding yourself by looking at your actions critically, while trying to understand others in order to learn more about yourself. Reflecting on who you are and working towards a higher level of self-awareness. Valuing the collaborative relationships you enter into and being convinced that deeper co-operation creates the best results.
- Rarely shows weakness towards others
- Am aware that I cannot trust everyone
- Will achieve my goals regardless of the cost
- Strongly pursue my own interests
- Will push others to achieve what I want
- Breaks the rules if necessary
- Is good at making the most of a situation
- Sometimes experience life as everyone’s fight against everyone
- Deep collaboration creates the best results
- Can only realise my own goals together with others
- Have learnt a lot by looking at myself critically
- Set high personal standards for myself and others
- Set clear life goals for myself
- Take personal responsibility for everything I do
- Will live up to what I stand for
- Feel a great sense of responsibility towards the communities I am a part of
IPA Core – Meta Factor # 3
Interior & Exterior Steering
Colour: Green
The basic motive is the desire to achieve ever greater self-awareness as a prerequisite for understanding both oneself and one’s fellow human beings. To gain insight and understanding of people and social processes as a prerequisite for creating results. To be able to see yourself from
the inside of your being, and to see yourself from the outside and understand your own impact on a situation. The opposite pole of the scale is where emotions dominate over thought, and you lose balanced and mature social judgement and instead lose orientation in excessive care, sensitivity and overwhelming emotions
Highly emotional, often overwhelmed by the situation and has difficulty orientating. Cares a lot about other people’s feelings and forgets about themselves in order to please others. Is not very good at demanding things from others and therefore turns things against themselves. Spends a relatively large amount of energy worrying about what others think of him or her, shifting his or her attention away from him or herself. Generally shows too much consideration for others instead of valuing and respecting themselves.
Thinks deeply about himself or herself and the world and is aware that there are other truths than the one he or she believes in. Is inclusive and gives other people plenty of room to be who they are. Can see and view himself or herself from the outside and is aware of how others perceive his or her actions. Can put their own needs aside in favor of what the situation requires and act consciously in relation to common goals. Perceives basic insight into people and social processes as a crucial prerequisite for goal fulfilment.
- Sometimes care too much about other people’s feelings
- Can forget myself to please others
- Probably more sensitive than most
- Feel other people’s emotions very strongly
- Often get overwhelmed by my emotions
- Am a passionate and sensitive person
- Easily affected by what happens around me
- Probably more soft-hearted than most
- Clearly show my respect and interest in other people
- Set aside my own needs in favor of what the situation demands
- Recognise that there are other truths than mine
- Give other people space to be who they are
- Align my behavior in relation to people and tasks
- Reflects on how I impact others
- Believe that self-awareness is a crucial personal competency
- Often need my understanding of other people in my work
IPA Core – Meta Factor # 4
Consciously guided by your own values
Colour: Yellow
The basic motive is the desire to do what is meaningful to both one and others. To seek meaning and find a deeper understanding of why we do what we do and why we are here. Creating a personal and systemic understanding of the deeper values and motives that create the foundation and momentum of the organisation. The opposite pole of the scale is where the universal and common is replaced by the relativistic and individual. All is equal, everyone must act on the basis of their own personal values, and the individualised goal is to seek ultimate personal freedom independent of old conventions, habits and rules.
Searches very consciously for his or her authentic and genuine self, and wants to be able to fully be who he or she is. Wants to see and experience the world through his or her own eyes and from his or her own personal perspective, and therefore believes that each person must find and follow his or her own path. Seeks the ultimate personal freedom and sets others free to do as they please. Wants to be where his or her own personal values are unfolded in order to realise his or her full personal potential.
Acts on the basis of a deep inner conviction about how the world is connected and is humble towards that which is bigger than him/herself. Wants to nderstand the big picture and thinks deeply about the reasons why we do what we do. Have a deep desire to inspire and uplift other people in their lives. Reflects on the big questions and is moved by the injustices of the world. Do what makes sense in his or her life based on a deep sense of why we are here.
- Want the opportunity to realise my personal potential
- Believe that everyone should act according to their own values
- Don’t need others to accept what I do
- Want to be where my own values are realised
- View the world from my own personal perspective
- Follow my own path to a large extent
- Seeking ultimate personal freedom
- Free from other people’s expectations of me
- Have a deep desire to understand the big picture
- Reflect on the reasons why we do what we do
- Try to create meaning for the people around me
- Do what I can to inspire and uplift other people
- Think a lot about the deeper meaning in what we do
- Am humble towards that which is greater than myself
- Have an inner vision of how things are connected
- Always looking for answers to the big questions
Why choose IPA Core Personality?
Highly rated analysis
As an author, Flemming has been behind the certification of a personality analysis that achieved the best rating among Nordic analysis providers.
Multi language
The IPA Core Personality covers more than 80% of the world’s population.
State of the art technologi
Along with IPA Core comes IPA 360° Cockpit, where analyses can be processed and analysed.
See IPA 360° CockpitIPA 360° Cockpit
Researcher Flemming Olsen talks about
IPA Core Personality
Researcher Flemming Olsen is the author of
best rated personality analysis
The certification mentioned in the video relates to a previous collaboration with a Nordic consultancy where Flemming Olsen, as author, was responsible for the certification of a personality analysis that achieved the best rating among Nordic analysis providers.
Researcher Flemming Olsen talks about the integral idea
Researcher Flemming Olsen talks about the colours in the IPA Analysis