From Inappropriate to Indispensable Questions

How to walk


The choice of questions during a job interview is crucial in evaluating a candidate’s suitability for a position. By asking good questions, employers can gain a better understanding of the candidate’s potential and ability to contribute positively to the organisation. At the same time, it’s important to avoid asking inappropriate or illegal questions to protect candidates’ rights and maintain the integrity of the organisation.

Always remember to research the latest guidelines and legislation to ensure your job interviews are in line with current standards and best practices.

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The Importance of Good Questions

Research has shown that well-chosen questions can help predict a candidate’s future job performance. This emphasises the importance of selecting the right questions that can provide insight into a candidate’s skills and personality. Asking good questions can also create a more positive experience for the candidate and showcase the company as a professional and thoughtful place to work.

Avoid inappropriate or illegal questions

While good questions can help gain a deeper understanding of the candidate, it’s equally important to avoid asking inappropriate or illegal questions. These questions can not only damage the company’s reputation, but they can also lead to legal consequences. To avoid this, employers should be aware of guidelines to avoid discrimination and violations of the candidate’s rights.

Some examples of inappropriate or illegal questions include:

1 Questions about the candidate’s marital status, gender, age or sexual orientation.

2 Questions about the candidate’s religion, beliefs or nationality.

3 Questions about the candidate’s pregnancy status or family planning.

4 Questions about the candidate’s health or any disabilities.

USelection of Good Questions

When it comes to selecting questions, it can be helpful to consider different aspects of the candidate’s background and experience. A research paper from International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence emphasises the importance of asking questions that go beyond the surface and explore the candidate’s thinking and problem-solving skills. This can include questions about past challenges, accomplishments and experience with collaboration.

Some examples of good questions include:

“Can you describe a situation where you faced a challenge at work and how you handled it?”
“How have you contributed to team projects in previous positions?”
“Can you give an example of a time when you exceeded your own expectations?”
“How do you keep up to date with the latest developments in your industry?”

By asking questions like these, employers can gain a deeper understanding of a candidate’s skills, attitudes and values without crossing the line into personal or illegal information.

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