Proactive stress & well-being measurements
Automatic follow-up
4 €
per colleague / month.
The Pulse of Pulic Sector Employee Wellbeing and Motivation
Public sector employees are motivated but skeptical about their pay and future working conditions. The sector is characterized by not having to deliver a financial return. Instead, an important goal of public sector work is to benefit citizens and businesses. This is reflected in public sector employees, who, unlike private sector employees, are more motivated by creating value for others than by salary alone
Deteriorating conditions
41% of public sector employees expect their working conditions to deteriorate over the next 10 years.
Unfair pay
35% of public sector employees don’t think their pay is fair.
Negative salary development
26% believe they have fallen behind in salary development when compared to other professions.
Something else needs to be offered
When public sector employers can’t deliver what employees want most – the pay they feel they deserve – other options must be explored. This is where IPA Nordic’s deliverables on an Organization in Balance can be a refreshing solution, based on the premise that to treat everyone the same, we need to treat everyone differently.
Stress & Well-being
The colleague who is experiencing a stress reaction is often the last to notice. Therefore, the IPA Early Warning will automatically and anonymously send an email to the potential stressed employee with a message that the employee should be aware and, if applicable, the department’s stress policy.
Individuel & Teamudvikling
To treat everyone the same, we need to treat everyone differently.
Individual – Intelligent appraisal
The Intelligent appraisal from IPA takes the individual employee’s personality as a starting point, identifies their unique individual strengths and talents, and sets up a framework for the manager to ask questions.
Team – Intelligent Team Performance Appraisals
Different generations in the workforce react differently and have different needs. Younger generations are more likely than older generations to want to work and develop as a team. Team Performance Appraisals helps with this.
Jens Begmand
Thisted Kommune
“Using the IPA Universe to put the individual at the center of understanding team delivery has been hugely rewarding. I’d say we’re delivering 10% every day.”