– the best means of survival and success for some, but a failure for others

Professor Henrik B. Sørensen can be booked for an inspiring lecture “Innovation”

Innovation. Learn how to turn – some – of your employees into successful innovators, while letting others do something else.


Henrik B. Sørensen
professor, ph.d., author





Innovation… the best means of survival and success for some, but a failure for others…….

As the world and business markets become turbulent, volatile, hard to understand and incredibly uncertain, innovation becomes crucial. But who ensures innovation and why are some people better than others at ensuring business innovation?

The answer can be found in the IPA personality profiles and we give you an insight into how different person profiles perceive innovation and working with innovation. This gives you insight into how to make – some – of your employees successful innovators, while letting other employees do something else.

We also use the IPA personality profiles to find out how the innovators can be supported and how the others (IPA personality profile types) can ensure other things in the company that ensure the full benefit of an innovation for the company. We also look at the question of how innovators and non-innovators work together.

About the speaker Henrik B. Sørensen

Henrik B. Sørensen is a former associate professor of organizational theory at the Department of Management at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University. He holds an MSc in Business Administration and a PhD from Aarhus School of Business. Throughout his career, he has worked with HR and strategic, managerial and organizational issues in both theory and practice. In addition, he has a strong focus on the organizations of the future and the megatrends, generational leadership and diversity as well as new digital technologies that companies must exist in.

Henrik is a well-known speaker and has worked with organizational and change processes in both small and medium-sized companies. Henrik therefore has a good insight into the processes that drive and develop small and medium-sized companies.

Henrik is resident speaker at the Danish HR conference 

HR Lecture Innovation - Henrik B Sørensen

Henrik B. Sørensen

Enquire about this lecture regarding Innovation